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  • Genuine reviews rated ‘Excellent’
  • Accredited courses
  • Courses created by experts

Course overview

This online Safeguarding in Music Education course focuses on a range of safeguarding issues pertinent to a music education setting and the relevant legal framework governing safeguarding. This includes guidance on recognising, responding to and reporting potential abuse and neglect concerns, as well as ensuring online safety and understanding Prevent duty training. The course also provides an overview of the support approach known as early help and the threshold of needs followed by local authorities.

This is an introductory course requiring no prior knowledge. If you are a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), then you will need to take our more advanced online Designated Safeguarding Lead Training course in addition this one.

If you require safeguarding training for music groups which include both adults at risk and children, you can take our online Safeguarding for Music Groups course.

The content meets the required knowledge previously set in the Level 1 and Level 2 safeguarding training framework, which was often used in education and other sectors.

  • Developed alongside leading music associations
  • Accredited by The CPD Group
  • In line with the latest Department for Education statutory guidance: Keeping Children Safe in Education and Working Together to Safeguard Children
  • Fulfils safeguarding training outcomes specified by governing bodies
  • Specific safeguarding scenarios and content for music education specialists
  • Contains the content of three individual safeguarding courses, providing both time and cost savings
  • Supported by a dedicated customer service team
  • Fully online and instant access 24/7
  • Use any device with internet access
  • Stop and restart at any point
  • Automated reminders when training is due for renewal
  • Free retakes if needed
  • Manage and track your course progress if you coordinate team learning

Bulk buy discounts

Number of courses: Price per course (excl VAT)
1 to 9 £30.00
10 to 19£27.00
20 to 49£25.50
50 to 74£24.00
75 to 99£22.50

Volume discount applied at checkout

What you will learn

This online Safeguarding in Music Education course is tailored for professionals who teach music, offering insights into their safeguarding responsibilities and legal obligations.

By the end of course you will be able to:

  • Understand the legislation and guidance that surrounds safeguarding in a music education setting.
  • Define the different types of abuse you may encounter.
  • Recognise a wide array of abuse indicators.
  • Fully grasp your reporting responsibilities and execute them effectively.
  • Maintain a person-centred approach throughout all safeguarding processes.
  • Identify the signs of radicalisation more proficiently.
  • Address the challenges posed by online safety.
  • Respond effectively to safeguarding concerns, including following the correct reporting procedures.
  • Understand what is meant by the term early help and the step-by-step approach regarding services based on different thresholds of need used by local authorities.


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    1. Introduction

    Abuse and neglect is unfortunately still common issues in the UK. This module will help you understand the essential terms and concepts used in safeguarding.

    By the end of this module, you’ll be more aware of who is most at risk, understand the extent of these issues and know the meanings of key safeguarding and child protection terms.

    2. Legislation and Guidance

    In the UK, various legislations and guidelines have been established to ensure the welfare of children and young people. This module clarifies the existing safeguarding policies and the necessity behind them, emphasising the central role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead Person (DSL).  

    Upon completion, you will understand key legislations and the significant function of the DSL, along with insights into the unique circumstances of lone-working in music education.

    3. Early Help and Thresholds of Needs

    The term early help refers to support aimed at improving the outcomes for children and young people. This support can be provided at any stage in their life. In this module, you will learn about what is meant by the term early help and its significance in improving the welfare of children. You will also be able to review several case studies demonstrating instances of early help support.

    Next, you will learn how these services fit into a wider ‘continuum of support’. These services are allocated based on varying levels of need and local authorities provide guidance for these thresholds. Most children’s level of need will be classified as Level 1, receiving support through universal services, whereas early help support falls under Level 2, tailored for those with low-level needs. As needs escalate, statutory services may be required, for instance, support from Children’s Social Care.

    4. What is Safeguarding?

    This module enhances your skill in identifying children and young people at risk. It outlines the core concepts of safeguarding and the specific categories of child abuse.

    Upon completion, you will distinguish between child protection and safeguarding and understand the various safeguarding categories and their potential impact.

    5. Signs and Indicators of Abuse and Neglect

    As previous modules highlighted, children may struggle to talk about abuse and abusers might effectively hide their actions. Recognising potential signs of abuse is therefore crucial.

    By the end of this module, you’ll be more familiar with identifying signs of physical, emotional and sexual abuse, as well as neglect. You’ll also learn the key safeguarding responsibilities of music education professionals.

    6. Online Safety

    This module explores safeguarding in the context of online safety, highlighting risks children may encounter online, such as grooming, sexting and cyberbullying. It outlines the legal responsibilities you have if you learn of an incident and offers strategies to help children stay safe and report issues online.

    By the end of the module, you’ll be more informed about technology-related risks and how to foster safe online environments for children.

    7. Radicalisation and Extremism

    Schools and other educational bodies are legally required to protect children and young people from extremism.

    In this module, we explore how the Prevent strategy applies to music education, examining the impact of radicalisation on children and the tactics of groups seeking to indoctrinate young individuals.

    After completing this module, you will be better equipped to recognise signs of radicalisation and know how to respond effectively under the guidelines of the Prevent strategy.

    8. Maintaining a Child Focus

    Prioritising child safety is essential when addressing safeguarding or potential abuse situations. It’s crucial to maintain a child-focused approach during identification and reporting.

    By the end of this module, you’ll grasp the concept of a child-centered approach and know the responsibilities involved when working with children, including documenting decisions and actions.

    9. Responding to Concerns

    In this module, we expand on earlier content, focusing on the appropriate actions to take when a child discloses abuse. It’s critical to respond swiftly and properly, balancing confidentiality with the duty to report. This module guides you on the right procedures, illustrating what to do and avoid to ensure the best outcome.

    By the end of the module, you’ll know the steps to take in potential abuse situations and how to address concerns about an adult’s behavior, along with a step-by-step referral guide for raising concerns.

    Who is this course for?

    • Music teachers
    • Peripatetic music teachers 
    • Music teaching volunteers 
    • Private tutors 
    • Music education organisers 
    • Voice coaches 

      This online Safeguarding in Music Education course is designed for any person who works or comes into contact with children within a music education setting. If you require safeguarding training for music groups that also include adults as well as children, you can take our online Safeguarding for Music Groups course.


      This online Safeguarding in Music Education course is accredited by The CPD Group.

      Upon successful completion of this online course, you’ll be sent a personalised digital certificate as a PDF, enabling you to download and print it.

      You can access a copy, reprint or download this certificate on our LMS (Learning Management System). This is your proof that you have been trained in safeguarding best practices and achieved compliance. The certificates include a verification number so anybody can authenticate the certificate’s legitimacy.

      Our certifications include a renewal date but there is no legal requirement to renew your training and certificate within a specific timeframe. However, we do recommend that you arrange refresher training after 2 years as safeguarding guidance does change. You should update your safeguarding knowledge and skills regularly.


      CPD logo for Safeguarding in Education course
      Certificate sample

      Genuine reviews

      Frequently Asked Questions

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      Do I need to complete the safeguarding course if I am teaching children music lessons at home?

      The online Safeguarding in Music Education course is designed to help you identify and respond to signs of abuse and neglect, with a special focus on the unique situation faced by individual educators. It can be a useful tool in ensuring safety and proper conduct while teaching music at home.

      Do I need to take this course if my school doesn't exclusively offer music education?

      While this course is crafted for those in the music education sector, if you work in a broader school environment, our online Safeguarding in Education course might be a better fit for you.

      How it works

      Purchase icon


      Add the course(s) to the basket, check out and pay

      Learn icon


      Work through the course modules at a time convenient for you

      Assess icon


      Complete the final multiple-choice assessment

      Certify icon


      Download your certificate on completion